Gorge Outdoor Recreation & Tourism Summit
On May 25th, 2021 we held our Gorge Outdoor Recreation & Tourism Summit (by Zoom) to explore worst case scenarios from around the world, the good news and the actions we […]
On May 25th, 2021 we held our Gorge Outdoor Recreation & Tourism Summit (by Zoom) to explore worst case scenarios from around the world, the good news and the actions we […]
The CGTA network was featured in the kick-off event for the new Future of Tourism Coalition. (Click here to find the entire webinar). It starts with a fantastic keynote “Reframing Tourism -And […]
The Gorge was featured in the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Experience Expert Seminar #6: The Seasonality of Travel Along the Trail. This webinar, hosted by Derek Schimmel, explores […]
In an effort to avoid zoom fatigue, we will also hold short ‘break-out sessions’ by topic during the week leading up the main meeting to discuss issues and identify solutions: […]
Join us for our annual meeting to choose the best steps toward our 15-year vision. As well as one (or all) of the pre-sessions that week. Annual Planning Network Meeting […]
How the Southern Hemisphere Responded to a Winter of pandemic As the winter months loom ahead, there is much uncertainty as the pandemic continues. Oregon’s COVID-19 case count is on […]
Register now for a Network meeting focused on preparing for our first (and hopefully last) COVID winter. gorgewinteriscoming.eventbrite.com We will explore: Lessons learned from the Southern Hemisphere (as they just […]
Our workshop on Thursday covered the latest data on the effects of COVID on tourism, how visitors are feeling and example of ways that other destinations are addressing these changes. […]
In this meeting we started off with a warm up based on the research that shows the importance of sharing good news on our mental health and productivity. Especially durning […]
Join us on Thursday, March 12th at the Hood River Library for a lively discussion about how our values shape the Gorge. Free and open to all.